Meet the Founder and Chief Puzzler
Meet the Founder and Chief Puzzler
I have loved puzzling as long as I can remember. At sleepaway camp, I used to cut my letters into puzzle pieces before mailing them to my “lucky” recipients. As an adult, jigsaw puzzles are part of my daily life. I am an all-weather puzzler and happy to collaborate or complete one on my own. There is always a jigsaw puzzle stashed under my couch on a board so I can slide it out and work on it while sipping coffee or a cocktail. Like a good book, I panic near the end if I don’t have another puzzle on deck.
As a designer, I’m always on the hunt for beautiful things and haven’t always been able to satisfy my habit with good-looking puzzles. When I decided to design my own, the transition from puzzleholic to puzzle designer was much more challenging than I expected! It took hundreds of hours and multiple iterations of design followed by putting them together to determine which elements were needed to strike a balance among broad strokes, small details, repetition, and variation. Puzzlers need elements to orient them along the way, while those elements must thoughtfully make sense as a whole.
My hope is to create beautiful puzzles that satisfy other avid puzzlers and lure newbies into a new pastime that keeps your mind fresh and relieves stress.
Happy puzzling,
Brenda Bergen, Founder of Wink Puzzles and Wink Design Atelier