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original designs

Modern design meets the traditional jigsaw puzzle. 

We applied decades of design experience to our favorite pastime to create cool puzzles that both satisfy avid puzzlers and win over newbies. Each design is carefully considered to deliver a stimulating challenge - the sweet spot between annoyingly easy and furiously frustrating. We believe jigsaw puzzles can keep your mind fresh, ease stress, and should always be beautifully designed!

 Meet the Founder and Chief Puzzler


Meet the Founder and Chief Puzzler

I have loved puzzling as long as I can remember. At sleepaway camp, I used to cut my letters into puzzle pieces before mailing them to my “lucky” recipients. As an adult, jigsaw puzzles are part of my daily life. I am an all-weather puzzler and happy to collaborate or complete one on my own. There is always a jigsaw puzzle stashed under my couch on a board so I can slide it out and work on it while sipping coffee or a cocktail. Like a good book, I panic near the end if I don’t have another puzzle on deck. 

As a designer, I’m always on the hunt for beautiful things and haven’t always been able to satisfy my habit with good-looking puzzles. When I decided to design my own, the transition from puzzleholic to puzzle designer was much more challenging than I expected! It took hundreds of hours and multiple iterations of design followed by putting them together to determine which elements were needed to strike a balance among broad strokes, small details, repetition, and variation. Puzzlers need elements to orient them along the way, while those elements must thoughtfully make sense as a whole. 

My hope is to create beautiful puzzles that satisfy other avid puzzlers and lure newbies into a new pastime that keeps your mind fresh and relieves stress. 

Happy puzzling,

Brenda Bergen, Founder of Wink Puzzles and Wink Design Atelier



What kind of puzzler are you?

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Do you puzzle alone or only in groups? Do you look at the box or abstain? Does the idea of doing a puzzle make you want to pull your hair out? How do you sort your pieces? Tackle edges first? Share sections with your mates or stake claims on territory? Few pastimes are relaxing, stimulating, and satisfying both as a solo endeavor or as a group activity. As we continue to connect and build our community, we are as enamored with sharing puzzle behavior as we are with puzzles themselves.

Join us on Instagram to share your puzzle opinions, puzzling strategies, and maybe even find a puzzle-trading partner. We always love hearing from you.

Contact us here.